
First, add the dependency to your project.




Next we will create the main entry point for the service.

public class MyApplication extends Application<Configuration> {
  public MyApplication() {
    // register the rest classes
    // register repositories and models
  public String getName() {
    return "frogr-base-example";

  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    new MyApplication().run("server", "config/example.yml");

As you can see there are two registry calls in the application’s constructor. register(...) let’s the application know in which package to look for rest classes. serviceInjector().service().register(...) tells the application where to look for models and repositories. More information about the Application entry point: Application


You may also have noticed there’s a config file used in the main method. This is required to setup our Dropwizard instance, so we have to create that one now. There’s a second config file needed, which configures our embedded Neo4j instance. By default these configs should be in your project in a directory ‘config’.


      - type: http
        port: 8282
      - type: http
        port: 8286
    level: WARN
        de.whitefrog.frogr: INFO
        de.whitefrog.frogr.service.Search: DEBUG
        io.dropwizard.jersey.DropwizardResourceConfig: INFO
        io.dropwizard.jersey.jackson.JsonProcessingExceptionMapper: DEBUG
      # console logging
      - type: console
        logFormat: '[%d] [%-5level] %logger{36} - %msg%n'

Reference: Dropwizard Configuration



This file is not required, by default the graph.location is “graph.db” inside your working directory. Reference: Neo4j Configuration


We should add a class that holds our relationship types, so that we have consistent and convienient access. This is not a requirement but I highly recommend it. Doing so we don’t have to deal with strings in Java code, which is never a good choice, right?

public abstract class RelationshipTypes {
  public static final String ChildOf = "ChildOf";
  public static final String MarriedWith = "MarriedWith";

  public enum t implements RelationshipType {
    ChildOf, MarriedWith


Now, let’s create a model. I recommend using Kotlin for that. All models have to extend the Entity class or implement the Model interface at least.

class Person() : Entity() {
  constructor(name: String) : this() {
    this.name = name
  // Unique and required property
  @Indexed(type = IndexType.LowerCase)
  var name: String? = null

  // Relationship to another single model
  @RelatedTo(type = RelationshipTypes.MarriedWith, direction = Direction.BOTH)
  var marriedWith: MarriedWith? = null
  // Relationship to a collection of models
  @Lazy @RelatedTo(type = RelationshipTypes.ChildOf, direction = Direction.OUTGOING)
  var parents: List<Person> = ArrayList()
  @Lazy @RelatedTo(type = RelationshipTypes.ChildOf, direction = Direction.INCOMING)
  var children: List<Person> = ArrayList()
  companion object {
    @JvmField val Name = "name"
    @JvmField val MarriedWith = "marriedWith"
    @JvmField val Children = "children"

As you can see, we used the relationship types created before, to declare our relationships to other models.


Normally we would create a repository for persons. But we won’t need extra methods for this tutorial and frogr will create a default repository if it can’t find one. If you need more information visit Repositories.


Next we’ll have to create the REST service layer. There’s a base class, that provides basic CRUD operations, so you only have to add methods for special cases. Of course you can also use any other JAX-RS annotated class.

public class Persons extends CRUDService<PersonRepository, Person> {
  public void init() {
    // insert some data
    try(Transaction tx = service().beginTx()) {
      if(repository().search().count() == 0) {


You can find the code used in this guide and more examples at Github